Thursday, February 11, 2010

Black Eyed Peas Tampa Concert

So I have been slacking on my posts...I missed two days!  Tuesday I was sick with a fever and headaches so I guess it counted as a good excuse but yesterday...not so much.  I went to the Black Eyed Peas concert, which was amazing and inspiring and fun!  I expected it to be a fun experience and even anticipated the amazing costumes, beautiful choreography, and obviously fantastic music, but what I wasn't expecting was the overwhelming sense of love that came out of the experience.  I left there feeling united and connected with every one of the fans sharing in the experience last night and I not only enjoyed the concert artists but also the beauty of the fans I shared it with.  The BEPs had a beautiful moment where they turned off all the lights and had everyone waving their arms, lighters, cell phones, and other lightup devices.  Looking into the crowd reminded me of laying on the grass and watching the stars at night.  It was like staring into the galaxy.  I can only imagine the sensations that caused the artists themselves knowing that these fans create such beauty and demonstrate so much love just for them!  They expressed their deepest gratitude to all of us in the audience and you could personally feel the sincerity!  They had the whole crowd singing Where is the Love and even when they stopped and walked off the stage the crowd did not stop and the galaxy kept its beautiful song and swaying motions was fantastic, powerful and deeply moving!  I loved it!

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