It's simple. These are my thoughts, daily, weekly etc. and I want to share them with you! I want to show you the beauty of the little things in my day. I want to give you a word of advice and be an inspiration. I want to let you know that we share something in common. I want to speak, from my heart to yours!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Journey begins
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The world is wonderful and beautiful and I am enjoying the moment. What a gorgeous day it is! The sky is blue with perfectly formed and brilliantly white clouds, floating like bubbles over water, on a vast and limitless canvas of soft blue. It is bright and breezy and fresh to the senses! My world is intensly colorful on this day and I am feeling the vibrant shades soak into my skin like fresh blood on white linens, staining my soul with undeniable vigor and energy. I can still feel the love of Valentines Day lingering in the fresh air and seeping to the marrow of my bones. I am working diligently on my project to spread the love via handmade cards. I have already handed out several with great responses! These have mostly been to those I know and trust however. Next step: strangers. I have about a week left before I am in Argentina and I can't wait to be in Argentina! I can't wait to see my family, to be able to sit back with nothing due, nothing required or expected of me, and the freedom to do absolutely whatever it is I feel like doing. My plan is to catch up on my reading, work on some of my website and scout the lands with my adventurous cousins. I am bringing two books with me; Three Cups of Tea and I have yet to choose the second one but I look forward to sitting under the big tree in my Aunts yard, chickens and dogs scurrying, breeze blowing, children squeeling, and me calm and comfortable with a cup of tea and my book, warmed by the sun, heat and dust.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Black Eyed Peas Tampa Concert
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Dream or a Mania?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Vilem's Shoes
My Muse
Jim was in Susan's office at UT, which is just off to the side of the art Gallery. I noticed as I walked towards her office, the numerous wonderful photos of her different dance students frozen in time during a moment of perfect performances. It was inspiring and brought a wave of regret that I never took a dance class. I am sure I would have loved it! Susan also teaches the worlds greatest story telling class! The two of them are such a great inspiration!
The Unversity of Tampa Scarfone/Hartley Gallery had a magnificent display of artwork and I was thrilled to find it open on a Saturday. The pieces, hung perfectly on the wall, were such an inspiration to me that I immediately felt compelled to spit out works of art in any form. Then I went to the AMORC Lodge and enjoyed a time in the magnificently harmonious and peaceful temple, where I met up with some great friends, who also led me to ponder my eagerness to harness my talents and create! I want to write a song. I want to write a piano piece and sing in accompaniment! I want to paint. I want to watercolor paint. I want to start my several sculpture projects! I want to have enough work to submit into shows. I want to get into Galleries!!!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Not Much of A Post
Thursday, February 4, 2010
On all Fours
Art Frenzy
“Anybody can look at a pretty girl and see a pretty girl. An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl that she used to be. But a great artist - a master - and that is what Auguste Rodin was - can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is… and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be… and more than that, he can make anyone with the sensitivity of an armadillo, or even you, see that this lovely young girl is still alive, not old and ugly at all, but simply imprisoned inside her ruined body. He can make you feel the quiet, endless tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her heart… no matter what the merciless hours have done to her.”
— Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Reconnect to Earth
I used to be in a constant state of intense connection with the earth and nature around me. I would walk outside, take in a deep, fresh breath of air and smile because I knew that even in that little action I was taking in a part of mother nature and she was nurturing me. I loved her! I talked to her and imagined that with every sway of the trees she was talking back to me, with every whip of the wind she was caressing me, with every ray of the sun beating heat down onto my back she was warming me with her tender love, and with every greeting of her creatures she was sharing some sacred secret with me alone. I felt special outside. Even now I always feel most alive, comfortable and safe outside.
As I child, I was especially attracted to the moon. I was and always have been a night owl of sorts. My most creative moments come to me at night. I was a very reflective child and I had special sacred spaces in my yard outside. In the daytime there were three specific trees for different purposes.
At night I would crawl into this dip in our lawn that was overgrown with grass and unnoticeable to most but was just small enough to fit my body into it like a bean bag chair. I would lay there and take in the moist night air, sifting my fingers through the deep green grass, staring at the moon. She was so beautiful and bright and perfect! I remember the coolness of the grass between my fingertips and toes. I remember the beautiful colors that seemed to radiate out from and rim the moon, and I remember the stars and galaxies that fascinated me to no end!
This brings me to my conclusion for the night...why do we rationalize everything all the time? Why not allow our inner child to come out and play, explore, and simply be. I am going to make a conscious effort to learn from my childhood and see things from that perspective once again. I could go on and on about this topic...a book I read...a quote...etc. but these can wait maybe for tomorrow because, now, I am going to sleep! Good night all...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Spreading the Love
So it’s February 1st and I have decided to make monthly resolutions rather than just yearly, this way I will renew my fervent and adament emotions to my resolutions made at the beginning of the year and truly be able to re-evaluate their importance in my life up to this point. I think it’s a great idea! So for February this is my list of resolutions/projects:
Project 1) Blog at least 5 times a week. It can be about anything really but mainly I think I want to focus on the little things that I notice throughout my day that I find absoultely beautiful! (I wish I had a photo of Vilem’s shoes from this weekend! They were so perfect…)
Project 2) As part of this I am also creating a new blog called My Dusty Box of Memories. This blog will be a 1 year project and I will try to blog on it once a day. Each day I will delve into my photos from the past and post a favorite or one that strikes me to blog about. Watch it all unfold!!!
Project 3) Finish my website layout by the end of this month.
Project 4) Save my money to buy myself Reason 4 and Final Cut Pro. so I can get creative with my media.
Resolutions (this list is a little longer, these are my three big ones):
Take time for me. This resolution carries over from January. This means I have to think about me and what I want and need, including my health. So, my first goal under this category was to lose weight and get healthy physically. I have been doing extremely well in this area! I am eating healthy, drinking more water, and constantly being conscientious of what’s going into my body. I have a 6 days a week workout schedule that includes cardio, core, and strength training as well as stretch and yoga. I am seriously taking care of my hygiene and making sure that I follow a strict skin care regime. Finally I am taking time to go into my sanctum (my sacred space at home) and meditate and reflect and just simply be with myself. Listening to yourself is very important and often times you have so much going on that you don’t actually stop to do that. So far I have lost 10 pounds, started a journal (that is very colorful and full of random odds and in’s that I have found), and I have noticed an obvious change in my skin, especially my face, which has cleared up and softened.
Live in the moment. I am a dreamer, a big dreamer. Over the years I have found that for one reason or another I lost the concept of paying attention. So this resolution is about staying present and truly listening to others. It happens to everyone, your friend is telling you about some event she just encountered and she mentions that she had just dropped off the laundry at the mat on her way to X location and she continues, but your mind stops there because suddenly you remember you needed to drop off your laundry from two days ago and if you don’t do it now…and you are now off in your own world imagining the millions of possibilities. This is me all the time. My mind waunders aimlessly half in daydream mode at all times! Thats bad! I don’t even pay attention in the shower! I used to have a life coach, she was great! She told me to start in the shower; feel the water, smell the soap, feel your fingertips in your hair, etc. Don’t think about anything outside of the present. I am focusing more on the present when it matters though. When I am with others if I allow my mind to waunder without realizing it, I am forcing myself to take the embarrassement and appologize, tell them my mind waundered, I missed what was said, and please repeat. It’s working so far…any suggestions?
And last but not least…Don’t worry be happy. I want to constantly express love and happiness. To jump for joy when I feel like jumping and to throw my arms up and spin when the wind calls me to. I want to be a spreader of light always…